Keeping Pets and People Together
Because financial status should never come between
an owner and their companion animal.
should never separate a family
Elder Paws Senior Dog Foundation is a 501c3 California non profit organization (EIN# 45-5291667) that strives to encourage pet retention by covering essential vet care costs allowing dogs six years and older to stay at home with their humans rather than being surrendered to Central Valley kill shelters.


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Check out who we are and what we do to change lives . . .
Providing essential vet care to senior companion dogs of low income owners is only part of what we do . . .
Check out our current 3rd party fundraiser opportunities . . .
Help us make a positive impact on senior lives. Explore ways you can contribute to our mission of “saving old souls 4 paws at a time.”
We are here by your
loving generosity
We’re proud of our Pandora's Fund family
Our innovative Pandora's Fund is a pro-active pet retention program that focuses on assisting fixed income owners of senior dogs to cover the cost of critical vet care, allowing senior dogs to maintain an improved quality of life in their current home and preventing the high risk of euthanasia at overcrowded kill shelters.